Good house painting contractors
will not stop at simply applying paint to your exterior, other aspects need to be taken into account as well. Proper preparation is the key and knowing and understanding what coatings to apply. Kellogg’s Painting Company adheres to the coatings industry standards:
- Scraping all loose paint and combining it with sanding when needed.
- Washing all surfaces to be painted is equally important, removing mold, mildew, dust, dirt, and chalk from the surfaces of your exterior to be painted,
- Applying the proper primer to the areas of your Hudson Valley or Catskills, N.Y home where needed.
- Caulking needs to be replaced around the home's exterior, it should be done when the home is being prepped. Caulk seals the gaps around windows, door jambs, and other points of intersection of various building materials. Caulking properly not only creates curb appeal, but it also creates a more energy efficient home, Kellogg’s Painting Contractor uses premium caulk with a blend of silicone and acrylic.
A paint job by Kellogg’s Painting Company, Catskill, N.Y , is of lasting value, adding curb appeal and protecting your home from the elements. We not only use quality products from vendors you can trust, buut we also give you a written warranty against any peeling, chipping, flaking, or blistering paint due to our workmanship.
-Thomas Kellogg
Kellogg's Painting Company
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Kellogg's Paint Company is a Top Rated painting company in the New York State. One of the "Who's Who" in America's Professional house
painting contractors providing expert painting services.
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